Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Beginning of an Immigration

Reading makes immigrants of us all.
It takes us away from home, but more important,
it finds homes for us everywhere.
-Hazel Rochman

Hello There! I'm The Book Immigrant, aka Shanda. My new years resolution was to read 50 books this year. This is going to be my book blog...
The Journal of my Journey Through books.
Join my as I find my own vacation homes all over the world (and sometimes, out of this world!)


Kimberly Petersen said...

Yay! You're going to be a nerd just like us! Hooray for nerdiness! What are you going to blog about first? (Finish the Book Thief! Finish the Book Thief!)

P.S. It is really sucky to leave comments on your blog the way you have it set up now.

Shan said...

Alright Kim, I think I fixed the problem! :)