Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Book # 3: Impulse

Apparently I got the year off to a bad start with books, so I had hoped this one would change that. I started it last summer, and then never had a chance to finish it, so this week I picked it up again....

It was completely worthless. the majority of the book, although it was about teen suicide, was great. its about 3 teens in a suicide recovery center, and how they connect to each other, and their journey to find a meaning for life. Up until the last ten pages, it was very uplifting, and beautifully written in free form poetry, alternating characters.

Then you get to the last ten pages, and it completely ruins the entire book. I honestly just sat there for fifteen minutes thinking "i wasted 666 pages for THAT?!?!" (I guess the page number should have been a hint to me. i wonder if that was planned?)

yeah. basically, it was completely worthless crap, and I am almost ashamed to count it in my 50 book journey. :(

and it claims to be a New York Times best seller, and as I began to look at many of the books I have and will read, I realized, What book ISN'T a New York Times best seller? How does New York Times make that list? Because it seems everything is on it! Anyone know?

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