Sunday, January 18, 2009

Book #1: The Andromeda Strain

Written by Michael Crichton about an alien virus that infects the town of piedmont, arizona, population 48, instantly killing all but two, and the military organization, project wildfire, that investigates, and eventually stops it.

I had to read this for my Science-Fiction Literature class. I usually quite enjoy Science Fiction books. My class also read Enders Game and a few other books that I really enjoyed. This book, on the other hand, I didn't enjoy...
The plot was extremely slow developing, and the characters dry and dull. The ending was abrupt and extremely anti-climactic. I really felt like the only point of the book was for Mr. Crichton to show off his Harvard Education. Sorry, Mr. Crichton, but I'm not impressed.

1 comment:

Jen Lee said...

Cool blog! Yeah, Andromeda was one of a very few books that I actually gave up halfway through. Boring, boring, boring!